Live Streaming

Live Streaming of the celebration of Mass has now been installed at Holy Cross Church, and is available via:  

and also the parish website

Look under Mass timings and then click Livestream

Live streaming is available for the 5.30pm Vigil Mass on Saturday, 9.00am & 12.15pm Masses on Sunday, and 9.30am Masses on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

This means that those confined to home and unable to get to Mass for any reason will be able to participate from a distance and experience a closer bond with the parish community.

During the Mass, you are encouraged to make an act of Spiritual Communion at Holy Communion time. Obviously, this does not replace the actual reception of the Holy Eucharist, but can be a moment of intense personal prayer. 

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love You above all things and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to You now and forever. Amen.’

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